Situations Vacant

The Association for the Recognition of Excellence in SF & F Translation is seeking a number of volunteer staff to assist with the running of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards. The positions are detailed below. Please email info [at] sfftawards [dot] org with details of your experience if you are interested in any of these posts.


This person will work with the awards jury to facilitate efficient discussion of eligible works. Duties will include assisting with the recruitment of jurors, obtaining copies of eligible works for the jury, facilitating jury discussions, liaising between the Board of ARESFFT and the jury, and retaining institutional memory from year to year. An experienced Facilitator is preferred, but training can be provided to the right candidate.

Fund Raiser

This person will be responsible for working with the Board to raise the funds necessary for ARESFFT to continue operation, in particular the cash prizes for award winners. Duties will include obtaining donations of give-aways from publishers and authors, and running online fund-raising events.

News Editor

This person will be responsible for keeping an eye out for translation-related news and posting articles to the Translation Awards website. Knowledge of WordPress is preferred.